As a group we have over 20 years in Counselling experience, therapy and training. We utilize the best known psychology, theology and therapeutic approaches to maximise the best possible outcome for our clients.
We will provide the right therapist for you and treat the following key areas:
Trauma Counselling
Couple Counseling
Individual Counselling
Anger Management
Bipolar Disorder
Select your topic by clicking on the title below. It will expand the view.
Trauma Counselling
PTSD and Complex Trauma
A trauma can be experienced as something horrific that you are helpless to prevent or threatening to either your survival or the survival of others.
Trauma can be when something happens to you, large or small, that leaves you feeling distressed and unable to process what has happened. The effects can be long-lasting and often create distressing symptoms. Overall, trauma and PTSD create extreme stress in the body and mind. This stress can impede your ability to enjoy healthy relationships or cope with normal life pressures and demands.
We offer the latest treatments in managing trauma including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and Invivo Exposure Therapy, as well as Mindfulness CBT, Narrative Therapy and many others.
Couple Counselling
With the busyness of our modern lives we do not always take time to nurture or protect our relationships which can drift away from love to boredom, from intimacy to loneliness, from understanding to open disagreement. There is no learners manual when it comes to long term relationship so its only natural for us to use those relationship behaviors we learned growing up. When these don’t work anymore it does not always mean we have fallen out of love with our partner, it can just means its time to learn new skills.
If you agree with any of the following statements then it may be time for a relationship tune up:-
a) I am unhappy about the way we communicate
b) I feel my partner does not understand me
c) I am not happy about the way we make decisions
d) I am concerned about the way we handle conflict
e) I am not happy about the way we spend our leisure time
f) I find it difficult to talk about sexual issues.
Individual Counselling
Our modern culture gives us the impression that seeking help is weak. Nothing could be further from the truth. If we struggle with study we think nothing of seeking a tutor, when arranging a holiday we happily use travel agents, with legal issues we use solicitors and we are very happy to hand over our tax each year to an Accountant. So seeking counselling not only makes sense, its courageous, its sensible and can be very helpful. You may just need assistance on a singular issue or with something deeper.
Whatever it is we have the qualified staff to assist you including, but not limited to, the below list:-
a) Anxiety and panic attacks
b) Depression
c) Bipolar Disorder
d) Addictions
e) Family, couple or relationship issues
f) Child Abuse
g) Post traumatic Stress disorder
And many more
Statistics tells us that 25% of the population will experience some from of depression at least once in their lives. Yet anxiety and depression are highly treatable and more than 90% of the time lead to an excellent outcome.
Items to look for if you are depressed include:
a) Sad or low feelings and demeanor for more than 1 week.
b) Negative thoughts about life and people.
c) An inability to want to get out of bed and get into the day.
d) Feeling tired out for no good reason.
e) Feeling hopeless or restless more then 50% of the time.
f) Feeling like nothing will cheer you up.
g) Feelings of worthlessness and low importance.
Anger Management
Are you finding that you are more and more often resorting to anger and rage to settle arguments, or that your anger is having a negative affect on relationships. Here are some easy skills that we can demonstrate for you:
a) Acknowledging that you feel angry and that you intend to deal with it positively.
b) Finding out more about anger and what it is that makes you angry.
c) Change the thoughts you think that lead to angry outbursts.
d) Remembering that its me that causes my anger not the other person and learning how I can work with it.
e) Once you know you are experiencing anger learning to express the anger in a different way.
If you think about how you have been feeling over the last 7 days, how much would you say you have:
a) Worried Excessively
b) Been anxious about several issues
c) Had difficulty controlling worries
d) Felt restless, keyed up or on edge
e) Felt tired, weak or exhausted
f) Had difficulty concentrating
g) Had difficulty sleeping or sleeping excessively
If you marked any of these as definite yeses there is help and we would be delighted to assist you.
Bipolar Disorder
Overcoming Bipolar Disorder is about more than just medication. The latest research shows that learning specific skills to manage bipolar can reduce symptoms and help maintain a more balanced life. If you are experiencing any combination or the majority of the below symptoms it may be time to talk about it.
Depressive symptoms include:
a) Experiencing low or depressed feelings or mood with high or manic feelings and not much in between.
b) Moods swinging markedly and going up beyond the ups and downs beyond the downs that come with everyday life.
c) No pleasure in usual activities and or becoming unrealistically hopeless, pessimistic or guilty.
d) The inability to sleep and the loss of appetite or eating too much.
Manic symptoms include:-
a) A much higher than normal up mood and being overly happy or optimistic
b) Feelings of being speedy or racing as if you have too much energy
c) Thoughts or words racing so fast its hard to keep up with them.
d) Becoming unrealistically confident or optimistic.
Addictions start out as emotional pain that continues festering whilst remaining untreated. Instead of facing the emotional pain we deflect away from the pain with poor coping mechanisms including shopping, alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling and a host of other negative choices that temporarily anesthetize the pain. The problem comes when our poor coping methods start controlling us and cause addiction.
We work with the following addictions:
* Alcohol dependency
* Drug dependency
* Compulsive sexual behavior
* Gambling
* Eating Disorders
* Anger Management
* Workaholism